Deepen your connection to your sexuality and sensuality so that you can have greater pleasure, confidence and power in your life. 

  • Do you want to feel more confident, creative and open exploring your sensuality and sexuality?  
  • Are you curious about how to juice up your self-pleasure practice or sex life?
  • Do you struggle with staying aroused, present and connected to your pleasure?  
  • Do you experience feelings of shame, fear or insecurity around your sexuality?  
  • Do you struggle with having orgasms during sex, with a lover, or even at all? Or maybe you want more mind-blowing orgasms?  
  • Are you confused or uncertain about what really turns you on? 
  • Do you feel shy expressing your desires in the moment and asking for what you really want?

If you answered "Yes!" to any of these questions, you're in the right place.

Do any of these sound like you…  

You know your partner would love it if you showed more interest in sex, but it’s the farthest thing from your mind most of the time. With everything you do all day it is hard to drop into your body, feel relaxed, spacious and sensual. And you aren’t quite sure how to make that shift to get there.  

And even without a lover, sensuality and sexuality just doesn't feel like a priority to you when you have so much other stuff going on in your life. You just don’t have the energy for it and don’t see the point. So why bother? You are just fine with how things are and exploring your sexuality just doesn’t seem that important or even relevant.  

Or maybe, you actually feel very sexually oriented and know you want more eroticism flowing in your life. Maybe you have a partner but they just don’t seem to meet you there the way you want and it’s frustrating. You want so badly to be taken, to be swept away in passionate lovemaking and to feel how desirable you are.  

You don't feel particularly inspired, creative or knowing of how to explore your sexuality on your own in a way that’s truly fulfilling and wildly orgasmic. You know you want to explore and expand your sexuality and pleasure capacity, but you could use some inspiration and ideas.  

My name is Usha Rose, founder of the Erotic Embodiment Institute, and a Women's Sexual Empowerment Coach.

I know what it’s like to feel ashamed, disconnected and shut-off from my sexuality.  

I used to feel sexually frustrated, disappointed and uninspired. I felt like I was not reaching my full potential as a sexual being and I believed something more most be possible!  

These feelings left me feeling disempowered and confused. I wanted something to be different.  

So I began to deep dive into the study and practices of conscious, embodied sensuality and holistic sexuality. What I have discovered has radically transformed my life and my understanding of my sexuality.  

This shift has allowed me to embrace my sexuality from a place of power, confidence and freedom that I always new was possible.

And I want this for you too.

It is my deepest desire that all women learn to embrace their sexuality, claim their power and live with more freedom, confidence and self-love. 

That's why I've created a program just for you...

Introducing the Women’s Pleasure and Power Program.  

This is an 8-week journey to greater pleasure and power through the essential elements of eroticism.

Throughout this program I guide you to get in deeper touch with your sensuality and to cultivate somatic presence and erotic awareness so you can experience more pleasure, stronger orgasms and greater self-love and appreciation.  

This program will support you to feel more empowered knowing who you are and what you want, and liberate you to move more courageously and powerfully towards your desires!  

During this program you will become more connected to your sensuality and sexuality and know how to use that energy for your own enjoyment, creativity, pleasure and power.  

What would it be like to make yourself your own best lover? 

To fall madly in love with yourself? To seduce your own heart and body? To show yourself you love yourself better than anyone else…  

That is what is possible in this course.  

Open up and fortify the pathways to self-love, self-pleasure and personal power.  

This program is for you if you want to:

  • Deepen your intimate connection with yourself, your body and your sensuality so that you experience more joy, self-love and appreciation for yourself and your life.
  • Feel more courageous, secure and excited about exploring your sexuality and erotism so you can open up to greater realms of pleasure, fun and healing.
  • Get out of your head and remain present in your body so you can experience even more pleasure and the most profound, powerful orgasms yet!  
  • Unlock the power of your sexuality as creative life force energy and learn to use it for manifestation, creation, personal power and radiance. 
  • Understand your unique erotic nature, arousal and desire- what authentically turns you on and excites you- so that you feel empowered knowing what you want... and going for it!
  • Gain skill and confidence expressing yourself so that you can communicate your desires and share your feelings from a place of power.

** Open to all women identifying and/or non-binary vulva bodied people. **

  • " If you're interested in sexuality, embodiment, and living from an empowered place I highly recommend working with Usha.

    Usha has a lot of knowledge and enthusiasm to share with her students. She holds a fun, educational, and safe space for groups and is also able to connect with everyone individually to meet them where they are and encourage participation.

    I was feeling like I had reached a plateau in my journey of sexual expression and now I feel more confident to embody my unique erotic nature and speak my boundaries.

    Our time together was playful, deep, and very activating." -Amara E.

  •  Before working with Usha, I felt cloaked in layers of uncertainty around arousal and my divine erotic nature. After working with her, I felt I had the tools to begin removing these layers and to explore revealing my true erotic nature to the world, on my own, with confidence and wisdom.

    Usha mixes curriculum with embodied experience and it makes for a transformational experience. And of course, she is an inspiration in her own beautiful, erotic embodied self!" -Chrissy M.

What's Included in the Program?

8 Live Group Calls

These fun and interactive LIVE group calls include powerful transmissions for each of the 4 modules.

They also include ritual, movement and somatic practices, lecture, partnered connection time and group participation.

4 Modules of Content

We will explore our sensuality, sexuality, arousal and desire through the lens of the 4 elements in each unique module. 

Each module has pre-recorded lectures full of juicy education, insights and inspiration.

Over 12 Recorded
Guided Practices

All of the embodiment practices and meditations are recorded to guide you so you can use them for your Home-Play Assignments.

These are some of the life-long essential tools to help you embody and enhance your sensuality, feminine intuition, inner wisdom and personal power.

Private FB Group

This is our platform to share with each other between live calls, get support and inspiration, and stay connected and engaged throughout the program.

Sister Check-in Calls

You have the option to be matched with another sister in the program to share about your experience.

This will help deepen a sense of connection within the group and keep you accountable for staying engaged with the program.

Email and DM Support

You are welcome and encouraged to communicate with me via email or DM anytime you have questions or need personal support during the program.

The Four Elemental Modules

You will have two weeks (and a lifetime) to explore and embody the teachings and practices of each module.

Water Module: Erotic Sensuality and Self-Love

-Cultivate deep presence, listening and focus to connect more deeply with your own body, heart and intuition
-Rewire your brain and re-center in your heart for greater self-love and appreciation
-Unlock the blockages that create limitations and fear in your life
-Enhance your your sensuality and pleasure capacity  

 Earth Module: Erotic Embodiment

 -Get more familiar with your anatomy and become a sensual expert in your own body and pleasure -Learn how to generate erotic energy and move it through your whole body -Strengthen your pelvic floor for greater health, increased pleasure and more powerful orgasms -Become more inspired, curious and explorative with new ideas, sex toys, yoni eggs and self-care practices

Air Module: Erotic Intelligence 

 -Understand your erotic nature, arousal and desires. -Learn what turns you on and off, and what you can do about it! -Have a deeper understanding of your sexuality- mentally, physically, emotionally and energetically -Feel more empowered and inspired to create and live a more turned-on life

Fire Module: Erotic Expression and Power

 -Embody confidence and courage so you can freely and authentically express yourself.
-Open up to new realms of possibility and fully embrace your sexual wholeness.
-Learn to use your erotic energy with intentional power for radiance, manifestation, creativity and healing. 

You want to feel more connected to your body and sensuality, more present and pleasure-filled.  

You are yearning for more feelings of excitement and "Fuck Yes!" 

 Deep inside, you know you are a beautiful, radiant woman, aching to shine and fully express yourself.  

You want more and you are ready to explore the teachings and practices to take you further!

  •  Usha helped me understand my sexuality via education, presence, challenge, and spirit in ways I didn’t know that I didn’t know.

    Her gentle, safe, sultry guidance really inspired my own sensuality in an easy and approachable way that has more often than not been closed off from me behind a door locked by fear and feelings of being too vulnerable in my previous explorations of my sexuality with men.

    I really enjoyed being witnessed and guided in ways that were actually really fun and light hearted and just sensual in the purest form of the word." -Ruby S.  

  •  Usha is an incredible facilitator. She held a beautiful container where we all felt safe, liberated, and able to dive deep within ourselves.

    Not only do I highly recommend this workshop, I think it is imperative for all women to gather in this connective and honest way, to discover together, to be liberated by common fears and desires, and be empowered to learn what we want and how to ask for it." -Alexa N.

Details about the Program

Next Round starts Fall 2022

Where: Zoom Chat Room (You can join from anywhere!) 

How It Works:

  • We will cover a new module every two weeks giving you adequate time to absorb, implement and embody the teachings and practices of each module.

  • Each Live Group Call will include ritual, movement, somatic practices, connection time, Q&A and group participation.

  • All weekly calls will be recorded so if you can't make it live you can watch the recording on your own time.

  • There will be Recorded Practices and Home Play Assignments delivered with each module.
    This supports you to integrate and embody the teachings and content.
    This is how the true transformation occurs!

  • You will be assigned an accountability sister to share about your experience throughout the program.
    This is optional. Please only choose to be matched with someone if you can commit to showing up for it.

  • You are encouraged to share in the Private FB group over the course of the program.
    This creates greater connection, inspiration and support for everyone.

Registration Opening Soon!

Get on the waitlist to be notified of Super Early Bird Prices and Bonuses.


  •  I entered the course really fed up with trying to "heal" my sexuality and left feeling more relaxed and optimistic, with strategies and insights to help me engage with my sexuality authentically." -Anonymous

  •  I highly recommend this course.  It was so amazing to connect with different woman and to have you (Usha) as a teacher.  You have a wealth of knowledge and passion. You know how to embody yourself so well while still making women who may not feel as comfortable feel safe and even inspired to push their edges." -Anonymous

Don't wanna wait til the next round?

Book a free consultation call with me to explore if working together in my one to one Pleasure and Power Mentorship Program is right for you.

In the Private Mentorship we cover everything in this program and so much more. Working together 1:1 allows us to address your personal history, core wounds, limiting beliefs and specific concerns with guided, professional support fully tailored to YOU.

Having one to one support takes you deeper and faster and allows for greater integration of the content and material offered in the group program.

Schedule your FREE 30 minute phone consultation with me here.

No obligations. This is simply a time for us to connect, for me to support you with whatever is alive for your right now, and for us both feel into if working together is in alignment. 

More Testimonials...

  •  (After taking this course,) I feel more inspired to continue to explore my pleasure in community, to ask for what I want and explore the edges of desire with folks.

    I am understanding more fully how much of a priority physical pleasure is for me right now and how it serves me in expressing the depths of my passion and love for life! I feel like I have some solid exercises that can act as a starting point to exploration with friends and beloveds." -Ashley M.  

  • Before the course I was really struggling with what turns me on. It felt good to be held while I explored new ways to see myself and my sexuality.

    I would absolutely recommend Usha's leadership. Her ability to lead by example with joyful embodiment and sovereign discernment was healing for me to experience."

  •  Usha is a patient, observant and playful facilitator. I fully appreciated her approach in creating a soft and erotic space for all sisters to open up in.

    I recommend her workshops to anyone who is desiring to embrace their womanhood, sexuality and connection to sisterhood."

    -Adelaide Marcus, Belly Dance Teacher & Artist  

  • Before taking this course with Usha, I was not feeling my sexual fire or creative energy very strongly. Taking the course helped me reconnect with the juiciness and pleasure in my body and in the world.

    I feel more empowered and confident in my sexuality, with my partners and alone.

    The course was fun, engaging and playful. Usha led us safely to our edges so that we could learn ourselves in new ways and helped us bring what we learned into our bodies.

    I would take this course again and recommend it highly!"

    -Stephanie Hubbard, Registered Nurse

  •  You have been an absolutely amazing facilitator. Thank you for the clear structure, thoughtful communication and detailed written and filmed exercises in each module.

    This course was well crafted and easy to follow.
    I can only imagine how much energy went into creating this safe container for us.

    appreciate you very much!

    -Daniela Lien

  •  It was so wonderful to connect with so many different women. 

    Since taking this course, I’ve been set off on this trajectory of female friendships, self pleasure and love.  It has done so much for me.  I’m really learning how to spend time with myself and enjoy that and be fulfilled by that.  Thank you for this path you have set me on.

    -AnnabelleRae, aka DrCat, Physical Therapist 

  •  Through her work normalizing her own sexuality, it is apparent how embodied Usha's comfort is with herself.

    She creates an incredibly supportive container for pleasure-exploration, both within oneself and in relation to others, in order to expand awareness and stimulate growth, thereby making the world a much sexier place."

    -Valora Hanko, Sex and Relationship Coach

  • (Before this course, I was unconsciously following and people pleasing and had no idea who I was as a sensual erotic being or what I desired in that realm. 

    This course supported me in discovering more of who I am and connecting me more deeply to my sexual nature and desires.

    The amount of resources we were given to explore and activities to give ourselves love and pleasure is incredible and I am still taking my time to go through all of it!

    Having a community of women to share this journey with was very empowering and being able to talk about sexuality in such an open, vulnerable, and honest way felt incredibly nourishing! 

    This course even opened up communication with my mother about these subjects and throughout this experience I feel like we are healing ourselves and our ancestry more and more as we find deeper layers to love!

    Overall I am extremely satisfied (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) with this course and the wide ranging resources and support Usha provided for us!

    I would highly recommend this to anyone and everyone who wants to dive deeper into their sensual erotic nature! 
    -Jacky Wiegand

“I highly recommend Usha's Pleasure and Power program. It came into my life when I wanted to heal some past traumas and go deeper into my power center.

The assignments and the zoom calls offered the right amount of self-exploration and self-reflection while challenging me to be honest with myself. I liked that the assignments demanded a sense of innocence and 'blank slate.' It allowed a safe space to really be open with myself and explore in a genuine way.

Usha offers so many tools for you to go deeper into the practice. You can tell she really comes from her heart and has dedicated a lot of time and effort to make this a productive time for everyone!” 

-Erin Hetty Wen, Physical Therapist and Yoga Teacher